Showing 1 - 12 of 12 result

Snail - Assassin Snail - (Anentome helena)

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 10.00

Snail - Assassin Snail - (Anentome helena)

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 10.00

DifficultyEasyMin. Tank Size18.9 Litres (5 US G.)Size1.3-2.5cm (0.5-1 ")pH7.2 - 8.0Temp.22.8-26.7°C (73 -80 °F)Water Hardness8-15 °dDietCarnivorePellet FoodsFlake FoodsLife Span2-5 year More Information Name Snail - Assassin Snail - (Anentome helena) SKU 888000 Manufacturer Livestock  ...

Otocinclus affinis Otocinclus affinis

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 12.00

Otocinclus affinis

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 12.00

DifficultyModerateMin. Tank Size37.9 Litres (10 US G.)Size3.8-5.1cm (1.5-2 ")pH6.0 - 8.0Temp.20 -26 °C (68-78.8°F)Water Hardness15-20 °dStocking Ratio1:2 M:FAvailabilityUncommonDietHerbivorePellet FoodsOther (See article)Life Span4-5 yearsHabitatSouth AmericaFamilyLoricariidae   Name Fish - Otocinclus affinis SKU 888045 Manufacturer Livestock

Fish - Thayeria boehlkei - Pinguin tetra

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 8.00

Fish - Thayeria boehlkei - Pinguin tetra

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 8.00

Description: A rather long fish with much lateral compression. The upper and lower profiles are very similar in appearance. The bottom of the rear fin (Caudal) is slightly longer, giving the penguin its one of...

Fish - Corydoras Similis - Smudge Spot Cory Fish - Corydoras Similis - Smudge Spot Cory

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 20.00

Fish - Corydoras Similis - Smudge Spot Cory

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 20.00

Description: Smudge Spot Cory has a yellowish beige bodycolor, with small brown spots all over the body. The fins are transparent, and it has a smudged marking at the base of the caudal fin. This blue...

Fish - Clown Loach - Chromobotia macracanthus

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 10.00

Fish - Clown Loach - Chromobotia macracanthus

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 10.00

Moderately elongated and laterally compressed, the Clown Loach has an arched back. It has a straight body profile, a large head, and a mouth that faces downward. Four pairs of barbels surround its mouth. The Clown Loach...

Snail - Sulawesi Snail (Tylomelania sp) Snail - Sulawesi Snail (Tylomelania sp)

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 10.00

Snail - Sulawesi Snail (Tylomelania sp)

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 10.00

Although the Tylomelania sp is new to thehobby it became to be very sought after snail. The Tylomelania spfound in Lake Poso on Sulawesi, it lives there 5 to 20 meters deep onsoft substrate. From...

Snail - Zebra Nerite (Neritina natalensis sp. Zebra) Snail - Zebra Nerite (Neritina natalensis sp. Zebra)

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 10.00

Snail - Zebra Nerite (Neritina natalensis sp. Zebra)

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 10.00

This species is a common choice of algae-eating snail among freshwater aquarists. In the aquarium trade, the striped shell of this species has caused it to be known as the tiger snail, zebra snail, or...

Fish - Pterophyllum scalare - Angelfish

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 20.00

Fish - Pterophyllum scalare - Angelfish

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 20.00

Scientific name: Pterophyllum scalare (Schultze; 1823)Common name: AngelfishGroup: CichlidsHabitat: South America; Amazon, Peru, Ecuador, BrazilSize: 10 cm.Biotope: Found in grassy, shore areas along the banks of lakes and slow-moving riversSocial behavior: A peaceful cichlid that can be combined in community tanks with...

Snail - Vittina Semiconica Snail - Vittina Semiconica

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 10.00

Snail - Vittina Semiconica

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 10.00

This species is a common choice of algae-eating snail among freshwater aquarists. In the aquarium trade, the striped shell of this species has caused it to be known as the tiger snail, zebra snail, or...

Fish - Catfish - Corydoras julii Fish - Catfish - Corydoras julii

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 20.00

Fish - Catfish - Corydoras julii

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 20.00

This fish has a silver body with lots of black dots, which are sometimes interconnected. It also has a row of connected dots on each side of the body and there is a black mark...

Fish - Inpaichthys kerri - Blue Emperor Tetra

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 7.00

Fish - Inpaichthys kerri - Blue Emperor Tetra

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 7.00

Often confused with the Emperor Tetra (Nematobrycon palmeri), but they are easily distinguished by the fact that Inpaichtys kerri possess an adipose fin and have smaller size. The male has a light blue back and...

Fish - Phenacogrammus interruptus - Congo tetra

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 10.00

Fish - Phenacogrammus interruptus - Congo tetra

Freshwater Fish

Dhs. 10.00

The colors on this fish vary from individual to individual and can show the complete spectrum of iridescent colors. The sides are marked by a light Brown stripe and under this are stripes that vary...

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